10 effective asanas for children’s growth and development - Kidaura


10 effective asanas for children’s growth and development


Published by Swastika

2 years ago

Physical, mental, and spiritual practices and disciplines, YOGA is for all ages. Yoga as exercise is a physical activity consisting mainly of postures and breathing exercises.

How does yoga help children?

Yoga helps children strengthen their muscles, improves flexibility, improves respiration, energy, and vitality. It strengthens the Mind-Body connection. Yoga helps kids achieve a sound mind in a sound body by exercising the physical body and calming the mental spirit. According to a Harvard study, Yoga improves both physical and mental health in children. It also offers psychological benefits as well. It is also shown that yoga can improve concentration, memory, self-esteem, academic performance, and classroom behavior, and can even reduce anxiety and stress in children. The research studies also show that yoga helps children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by improving symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, anxiety, and cognitive functions in children and adolescents. It improves the way of life.

Let’s take a look at the yoga postures for kids and know what benefits each carries.

1. Tadasana (Palm tree pose)

It is a basic standing asana in most forms of yoga with feet together and hands at the sides of the body. The posture is entered by standing with the feet together, grounding evenly through the feet, and lifting through the crown of the head. The thighs are lifted, the waist is lifted, and the spine is elongated. Breathing is relaxed. As such, it is important as it allows the body and consciousness to integrate the experience of the preceding āsana and to prepare for the next. Benefits: It corrects posture and improves balance. It makes the spine, thigh, joints more flexible. It helps you gain control over your muscular movements.

2. Paschimottanasna (The seated forward bend)

The pose is entered from Dandasana (the seated Staff Pose) by bending forward from the hips without straining and grasping the feet or lower legs. A strap may be placed around the feet and grasped in the hands if the back is stiff. The head may be rested on a folded blanket or bolster, which may be raised on a small stool if necessary. Benefits: This asana also helps in maintaining body posture and improves the flexibility in muscles. It stretches the back and spine, shoulders. It is also beneficial for dealing with problems like anxiety disorder. Helps to deal with fatigue and headaches.

3. Sarvangasana (Candle pose shoulder stand)

Candle pose shoulder stand is entered from a supine position with the knees bent. The shoulders may be supported on folded blankets, and the upper arms may be held in with a belt just above the elbows. Beginners may lift with bent legs, advanced users with straight legs. The back is supported by the hands: once up, the hands reach lower down the trunk towards the head, and the trunk is lifted further; the legs may then be straightened to a vertical position. Benefits: It stretches our shoulders and legs while toning the abs. Other benefits include improved digestion, strengthened immune system, reduced fluid retention in the lower body, and bringing back deoxygenated blood flow to the heart.

4. Halasana (Plough Pose)

The pose is entered from Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), lowering the back slightly for balance, and moving the arms and legs over the head until the outstretched toes touch the ground and the fingertips, in a preparatory variant of the pose. The arms may then be moved to support the back into a more vertical position, giving a second variant pose. Finally, the arms may be stretched out on the ground away from the feet, giving the final pose in the shape of a traditional plow. Benefits: It helps children with Asthma, Cough and cold, and Constipation.

5. Vrikshasana (Tree pose)

From Tadasana, weight is shifted to one leg, for example, starting with the left leg. The entire sole remains in contact with the floor. The right knee is bent and the right foot is placed on the left inner thigh, or in a half-lotus position. In either foot placement, the hips should be open, with the bent knee pointing towards the side. With the toes of the right foot pointing directly down, the left foot, center of the pelvis, shoulders, and head are all vertically aligned. Hands are typically held above the head either pointed directly upwards and unclasped, or clasped together. The asana is typically held for 20 to 60 seconds, returning to tadasana while exhaling, then repeating standing on the opposite leg. Benefits: It makes the legs strong, improves balance, and opens the hips. It helps improve concentration. It brings balance and equilibrium to your mind.

6. Badhha Konasana (Butterfly pose)

From a sitting position with both the legs outstretched forward, hands by the sides, palms resting on the ground, fingers together pointing forward, the legs are hinged at the knees so the soles of the feet meet. The legs are grasped at the ankles and folded more until the heels reach the perineum. The knees move down to the ground, and with practice reach there; the body is erect and the gaze in front. The asana is held before coming back to the starting position. The thighs are stretched with care. Benefits: Restores and calms your mind. Relieves stress. Recommended if you have dizziness or fatigue. Helps alleviate stress and anxiety. Flexes the body's internal organs and keeps them supple. It lengthens and stretches the spine.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

The palms are placed under the shoulders, pushing down until the hips lift slightly. The backs of the feet rest on the ground, the legs outstretched; the gaze is directed forwards, giving the preparatory pose. For the full pose, the back is arched until the arms are straight, and the gaze is directed straight upwards or a little backward. The legs remain on the ground. Benefits: It helps elevate mood. It also improves flexibility. Helps to strengthen the spine, shoulders, and arms.

8. Trikonasana (The triangle pose)

Trikonasana is performed in two parts, facing left, and then facing right. Stand straight with your legs apart. The distance between your legs should be a little more than the span of your shoulders. Inhale. Raise your right hand straight above your head. The right arm should be parallel to the right ear. Exhale. Bend your torso at the waist, to your left side. Simultaneously, slide your left arm down along your left leg till your fingers are at your ankle. At this point, your right arm must be horizontal as your head is tilted left. Hold the pose with your knees and elbows straight. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Inhale. Straighten yourself and stand erect. Repeat the posture on the other side. Benefits: This asana helps to strengthen the muscles in the hip and chest region. It also helps to reduce lower back pain.

9. Balasana (Child Pose)

From a kneeling position, bring the forehead to the floor and relax the arms alongside the body, palms upwards. Benefits: It releases tension in the back, shoulders, and chest. It is recommended if you have dizziness or fatigue. Helps alleviate stress and anxiety. Flexes the body's internal organs and keeps them supple. It lengthens and stretches the spine.

10. Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand)

The king of all asanas

In this asana, the body is completely inverted and held upright supported by the forearms and the crown of the head. Benefits: Helps in Improving your balance. It optimizes various sensory perceptions like improving eyesight. It helps in treating migraine attacks and headaches by increasing the blood flow. It provides the ability to focus better and longer.

  • Children with eyesight issues, must not perform this asana.


  1. These asanas should be done in a clean and noise-free area.
  2. Do not wear spectacles, jewelry, or any other thing that may cause injuries.
  3. Practice on an empty stomach. Wait for 2 hrs after a light meal and 4hrs after a heavy meal.

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