Quick Developmental Assessment for your child. - Kidaura


Quick Developmental Assessment for your child.


Published by Mahima

2 years ago

At the age of 2-6 years, which represents the early childhood stage, several major developments occur in the child. During this period, children develop a range of Language and motor skills. If the child shows delays in development, it can signal a presence of a developmental disorder. Hence it is essential to monitor the child’s development at adequate intervals to screen any developmental disorders at an early age.

Aura Connect is an app that facilitates this kind of screening at the comfort of one’s home. It has been developed in a way that enables parents to conduct the assessment easily. If you have concerns about your child’s development, you have come to the right place.

Aura Connect can help you with assessment and screening of developmental delays and provide you with a clarity of further steps that can be taken for the betterment of your child. It connects you with renowned experts of India, who can clear all your queries and recommend a treatment plan for the child.

Why AuraConnect?

  1. Easy to conduct.

  2. Fun elements for the child.

  3. No waiting period for an appointment with the experts as in the case of clinics

  4. Start early intervention using our other app Communicaa.

How to use the app?

  1. Go to your play store, download AuraConnect and register with us. Register using your google account.
  2. Create your child's profile. Enter the child’s name, age and gender. You are now ready to take the assessment.
  3. The first step of the assessment involves answering the questionnaire, wherein the caregiver answers several questions about the child’s day to day behaviour and activities. The questions are very simple to answer. The second step involves recording the child doing certain activities that are mentioned in the app. The instructions on how you have to conduct the activity would be given. The purpose is to get an idea of how the child is able to perform those activities that they should be able to if they are of a certain age. For example: A child who is 3 should be able to walk and run and talk using simple phrases.
  4. The third and the last step is a very fun component for the child, who is now required to engage in two games inbuilt in the app. This will give us the motor-signature of the child and help us assess whether they have a risk of developing ASD or another disorder for developmental nature.

Once you submit the information on the app, it is sent to experts for analysis. You receive the report in 4-7 days. The detailed report is an analysis of motor, language and personal social skills of the child. The report comes with recommendations and suggestions by the expert for the child.

Download AuraConnect and get a developmental milestones report for your child.

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