Understanding Developmental Conditions - Kidaura


Understanding Developmental Conditions


Published by Madhushree

9 months ago

Understanding Developmental Conditions

As the name suggests, developmental conditions or disorders encompass a wide variety of conditions that begin during the developmental period and last throughout a person's lifetime. These developmental conditions affect a range of aspects, including social, communication and language, physical, cognitive, and behavioural abilities.

It is extremely important for parents to keep a track of the child's developments in all fields, and understand when, how and if the child needs to reach various milestones. This information will undoubtedly indicate certain signs and symptoms of developmental conditions such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, and down syndrome.

So what are developmental delays?

A developmental delay refers to a child who has not gained the developmental skills expected of him or her, compared to others of the same age. To understand further, please visit our blog post ‘A quick guide to developmental milestones in young children’ (add link)

Understanding various developmental conditions :


Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental condition that is caused due to differences in the brain. Children usually show symptoms within three years of their birth, and it may last a lifetime. Autism symptoms may appear as early as 12 months in some children, while in others it may take up to 24 months. Early symptoms of autism include problems with social, language, physical, or behavioural skills. They may :

  1. Have restricted or repetitive behaviours or interests such as rocking, flapping, shaking legs, jumping etc.
  2. Have difficulty in communicating and interacting with others.
  3. Lose skills previously gained
  4. Have difficulty in making friends and gaining a social circle
  5. Have lesser or uneven physical strength

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common neurodevelopmental disorder. It is a condition that can usually be diagnosed in childhood and may last throughout one’s life

Symptoms of ADHD include hyperactivity, inactivity, difficulty paying attention, and impulsivity.

They may : Have low self-esteem Troubled relationships Difficulty at school or work

ADHD can be of two types : Predominantly Inattentive Presentation Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation

Learning disabilities:

It includes a range of neurologically based learning disorders of various severity levels, sometimes referred to as specific learning disabilities. It refers to a disability in one or more psychological processes such as reading, writing, mathematics, etc.

Kinds of learning disabilities :

  1. Dyslexia
  2. Dysgraphia
  3. Dyscalculia
  4. Dyspraxia
  5. Auditory Processing Disorder
  6. Sensory Processing Disorder

Cerebral Palsy:

It encompasses a broad range of conditions involving inability to move, maintain balance, maintain posture, etc. It occurs when the brain is damaged or underdeveloped, resulting in motor difficulties in developing children. Cerebral means one part of the brain, and palsy means weakness of the muscles. Children diagnosed with cerebral palsy may endure a lifetime of disabilities affecting their motor skills.

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